Author Archives: aryanuser

Organic Millets

Full of fiber, rich in essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, they are naturally gluten-free,…   Read More

Organic Maltdextrin

Maltdextrin It is a polymer, ie a substance composed of several long chain molecules, so that a stru…   Read More

Benefits of organic food

Organic food trade is one of the fastest growing food trade in India and globally. Organic food is f…   Read More

Trends in consumption of organic food

Organic food trade is one of the fastest growing food trade in India and globally. Organic food is f…   Read More


Ayurvedic is a unique, natural, holistic, health giving series of therapeutic products including Chu…   Read More

Organic Dextrose

Dextrose is a name of simple Sugar and is chmecially identical to Glucose. It is normally used in ba…   Read More

Organic Pista

Pistachio or popularly known as Pista is a member of the cashew family originating from Central Asia…   Read More

Organic Corn Starch

At Aryan, we take pride in offering premium quality organic bulk corn starch sourced from trusted or…   Read More

Organic Potato Starch

Potato starch is starch extracted from potatoes. Potato starch is a very refined starch which contai…   Read More

Organic Oleic Acid

Organic oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid, organic oleic acid is known as Omega-9 fatty aci…   Read More