Author Archives: aryanuser

Senna Leaf Extract

Senna is an herb. The leaves and the fruit of the plant are used to make medicine. Senna leaf extrac…   Read More

Organic Nutmeg Oil

Nutmeg oil has energizing, uplifting and balancing effect. It supports nervous and endocrine systems…   Read More

Organic Fennel Oil

Fennel oil has sweet taste, it comes from crushed fennel seeds (Foeniculumvulgare). Fennel oil is be…   Read More

Organic Devana Oil

Davana Oil is imported worldwide for its sweet fragrance and illustrious medicinal values. This oil …   Read More

Organic Coriander Oil

Coriander seed is considered one of the earliest spices in the world. It is used for culinary and me…   Read More

Organic Chamomile Oil

Chamomile oil is extracted from the flowers of the Camomile plant, which is very popular as a flower…   Read More

Organic Tulsi Extract

Tulsi is also known as Holy Basil, Its scientific name is Ocimum Sanctum. It is considered holy by m…   Read More

Organic Black Pepper Extract

Black pepper is made from the Piper nigrum plant. Black pepper, rightly nicknamed the King of Spices…   Read More

Organic Fenugreek Extract

Fenugreek is a herb similar to clover and is also used as a spice especially in India. The fenugreek…   Read More

Organic Trikatu Extract

Trikatu means “three pungents”. Trikatu is a traditional ayurvedic herbal blend of black pepper,…   Read More